Frontend Weekly Digest #142 (20–26 January 2020)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readJan 26, 2020



New to JAMstack? Everything You Need to Know to Get Started
Six donts of web app internationalization
The Web in 2020: Extensibility and Interoperability
There’s No Need To Hate Web Components
Recreating The Arduino Pushbutton Using SVG And lit-element
The ultimate guide to iframes
Goodbye, Clean Code


The CSS Cascade. Or, How browsers resolve competing CSS styles
CSS Houdini: All you need to know about the hottest APIs
Understanding the “Initial”, “Inherit” and “Unset” CSS Keywords
Using responsive modifiers to control layout changes in your components
Building Multi-Directional Layouts
Some Imaginary CSS
4 CSS layouts without using media queries
Multi-line gradient links
Magical Rainbow Gradients with CSS Houdini and React Hooks
Intrinsic Sizing In CSS


Reading & Processing Files with the JavaScript FileReader API
The 10 most important JavaScript frameworks of the past decade
Svelte — a recipe for a successful framework?
Dear for Loop Fans: Let Us Use Array Methods in Peace
💡🎁 JavaScript Visualized: Generators and Iterators



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