Frontend Weekly Digest #160 (25 –31 May 2020)

Fresh Frontend Links
3 min readMay 31, 2020



Links to all slides from ngVikings 2020
Jamstack conf virtual 2020


A Guide to the Responsive Images Syntax in HTML
Increment. Issue 13 / MAY 2020, Frontend: This issue of Increment surveys the breadth and depth of frontend development, from its principles, tools, and frameworks to its shifting scope and far-reaching fringes.
Wake Lock API case study: 300% increase in purchase intent indicators on
The biggest scandals of NPM
htmx — high power tools for HTML. htmx allows you to access AJAX, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext
Responsive web design turns ten.
#20 HTMHell special: close buttons
Using Structured Data to Enhance Search Engine Optimization
What computer and software is used by the Falcon 9?
Stackoverflow Developer Survey 2020


The Expanding Gamut of Color on the Web
Tailblocks — Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks
On fixed elements and backgrounds
Ask an expert: Why is CSS . . . the way it is?
A user’s guide to CSS variables
A First Look at `aspect-ratio`
Here’s what I didn’t know about “content”
Generating complementary gradients with CSS filters
A CLI tool for creating CSS Grid layouts


Top 5 Reasons Javascript Developers Prefer Deno Over Node
Today’s Javascript, from an outsider’s perspective
Basic Web Scraping Using JavaScript with Node.js + Puppeteer
ECMAScript 4: The missing version


How Microsoft is making Edge the best browser for PWAs
Browsers are not rendering engines
Chrome 84 Beta: Web OTP, Web Animations, New Origin Trials and More



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