Frontend Weekly Digest #249 (14–20 February 2022)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readFeb 20, 2022



Getting Started With the File System Access API
The Most Popular Front-end Frameworks in 2022
Google Web Stories — The New AMP?
Subsetting Font Awesome to Improve Performance
Inspirational Websites Roundup #34


Flexbox Dynamic Line Separator
An Auto-Filling CSS Grid With Max Columns of a Minimum Size
6 Creative Ideas for CSS Link Hover Effects
A Design & CSS Trick From New Medium Homepage
4 Exciting New CSS Features in 2022
How we made the State of CSS more responsive and accessible
Cascade layers: Control the CSS cascade with the @layer at-rule


Comparing Node JavaScript to JavaScript in the Browser
The State of JS 2021
What’s New in the 2021 State of JavaScript Survey
Track down the JavaScript code responsible for polluting the global scope
Remix vs. Next.js: A Detailed Comparison


Version 100 in Chrome and Firefox

