Frontend Weekly Digest #285 (14–20 November 2022)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readNov 20, 2022



The Hidden Power of Custom States For Web Components
Exploring Declarative Shadow DOM
Scripted <input> Matching With Native Error Reporting
A Guide To Image Optimization On Jamstack Sites
Inspirational Websites Roundup #43


Style a parent element based on its number of children using CSS :has()
An Interesting Limitation of CSS Custom Properties
Making Static Noise From a Weird CSS Gradient Bug
The evolution of scalable CSS
Experimenting with layering, filtering, and masking in CSS
CSS Timeline
Classy and Cool Custom CSS Scrollbars: A Showcase
CSS Clothoid Corners
CSS vs. CSS-in-JS: How and why to use each
How to add dynamic colors with CSS
The 6 best CSS background generators


ArrowJS — an experimental tool for programming reactive interfaces using native JavaScript.
JavaScript’s “NaN” Is Dumbass!
20 Simple-But-Useful JavaScript Coding Techniques That You Should Use
4 Cool Modern JavaScript Features Most Developers Don’t Know About

