Frontend Weekly Digest #293 (9–15 January 2023)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readJan 15, 2023



Understanding Authentication In Websites: A Banking Analogy
Brief History of Frontend UI Tools and Newest Guy on the Block
Modernizing Frontend Applications: A Guide — Free Online Tools
20 years of Safari: A visual history


Faking Min Width on a Table Column
Sibling Scopes in CSS, thanks to :has()
3D in CSS
Conditional CSS
Past Informs the Present: Our Approach to CSS
An Introduction to the Halfmoon CSS Framework
CSS color functions and custom properties
Getting started with the View Transitions API
Creating a typewriter animation effect with only CSS
How to style scroll snap points with CSS
Best CSS shape generators with demo
Different ways to truncate text with CSS


JavaScript Concepts: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Applying SOLID principles to TypeScript
The State of JS 2022
Can You Get the Information on the QR Code Image Just by Using Javascript?
7 ES6 JavaScript Tricks to Make You a Better Programmer
AI driven open source library for measuring your web page carbon footprint

