Frontend Weekly Digest #298 (13–19 February 2023)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readFeb 19, 2023



How to Choose Web App Architecture That You Won’t Regret
A Step-By-Step Guide To Building Accessible Carousels
How to reduce your website’s bounce rate
Integrating the Cache API with Service Workers
Hello Web Components
48 Accessibility Bookmarklets You Can Use For A11Y Testing
Putting Gears In Motion: Animating Cars With HTML And SVG


How to Create Grainy CSS Backgrounds Using SVG Filters
Improved font fallbacks
The modern web’s underrated powerhouse
Resizing with CSS
More control over :nth-child() selections with the of S syntax
Container queries land in stable browsers
Tailwind CSS: Using dynamic breakpoints and container queries
When and how to use CSS will-change


Must-Know JavaScript Array Methods
JS Class fields potentially harmful
JavaScript 101 — All about Async Behavior
Callback Functions in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide
Writing Javascript without a build system
Use a MutationObserver to Handle DOM Nodes that Don’t Exist Yet

