Frontend Weekly Digest #332 (9–15 October 2023)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readOct 15, 2023



Add a web app manifest
API Integration Patterns — The Difference between REST, RPC, GraphQL, Polling, WebSockets and WebHooks
The Power of Variable Fonts: An Interview with Jason Pamental
The selected date must be within the last 10 years
Web server ‘hello world’ benchmark : Go vs Node.js vs Nim vs Bun
Designing for All: The Basic Principles of Web Accessibility


5 best practices for preventing chaos in Tailwind CSS
Working with Typography in CSS
The Future of CSS: Easy Light-Dark Mode Color Switching with light-dark()
What’s new in CSS? (2023.10.12 @ Frontmania)
Styling External Links with Attribute Selectors
CSS relative color syntax
Inner Radius Design Tip with CSS Custom Properties


JS minification benchmarks: babel-minify, esbuild, terser, uglify-js, swc, google closure compiler, tdewolff/minify
ESLint v9.0.0: Flat config rollout plans
Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem — The barrel file debacle
Don’t Be Afraid of JavaScript Generators


Firefox will soon have a built-in feature called Review checker to spot fake reviews of products
New in Chrome 118
What’s New in DevTools (Chrome 119)
Chrome Blog: Preparing for the end of third-party cookies



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