Frontend Weekly Digest #337 (13–19 November 2023)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readNov 19, 2023



HTML First is a fool’s dream
HTML Web Components: An Example
New Web APIs — a popover on top of a dialog element can’t be interacted with?
HTML Web Components
An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components
A New Technique for Image Optimization: SVG Short Circuiting
On-Scroll Shape Morph Animations


CSS Nesting
Workarounds for Buggy Gradients
Totally remdom, or How browsers zoom text
CSS Responsive Multi-Line Ribbon Shapes (Part 1)
Radial Gradients and CSS Trigonometric Functions
Creating an Interactive Image Gallery with HTML and CSS
~~New~~ Old way to write CSS
How to use CSS anchor positioning
10 comparisons on Bootstrap vs. Tailwind CSS — Decoding the Front-End Dilemma


Is Elegant JavaScript Always Performant? Concise vs. Fast Code Explained
Explicit Resource Management: Exploring JavaScript’s and TypeScript’s new feature
Astro adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives
JavaScript OOP — Not A Mystery Anymore

