Frontend Weekly Digest #351 (19–25 February 2024)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readFeb 25, 2024



Okay, Color Spaces
A practical guide to using shadow DOM
HTML Streaming and DOM Diffing Algorithm
Netlify’s Approach to the Frontend According to Its New CTO
The State of Jamstack: Developers Want Return to Simplicity
How GTmetrix Used GTmetrix to Speed up…GTmetrix!


Proposal: CSS Variable Groups
View transitions: Handling aspect ratio changes
CSS-only DVD Screensaver animation
CSS :has() Interactive Guide
Tailwind marketing and misinformation engine
HTML: How to Resize Markup Like an Image With CSS Container Queries


JavaScript Bloat in 2024
Node.js 2023 Year in An Article
Vanilla JavaScript, Libraries, And The Quest For Stateful DOM Rendering
Building a Research Assistant Tool with AI and JavaScript
Exploring JavaScript Promise Collection Methods
How to Integrate React and AngularJS via Webpack Module Federation

