Frontend Weekly Digest #361 (29 April — 5 May 2024)

Fresh Frontend Links
2 min readMay 5, 2024



Popover API is Here
The perfect site doesn’t exist
I Reviewed 1,000s of Opinions on HTMX
Exploring the AHA stack: Tutorial, demo, and comparison
Talks from Epic Web Conf 2024


If View Transitions and Scroll-Driven Animations had a baby … (2024.04.25 @ CSS Café)
“Multiplexed” Fonts Have a Cool Superpower
An alternative proposal for CSS masonry
Handling The Indentation of a Treeview Component
CSS Custom Properties in Highlight Pseudos
Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things
Combining CSS :has() And HTML <select> For Greater Conditional Styling
Printing music with CSS Grid
CSS inheritance
Microsoft Edge Team: Deprecating support for -ms-high-contrast and -ms-high-contrast-adjust
Fluid for Tailwind CSS: Smoother responsive styles in less code.
Shades of Grey with color-mix()


Handling dates in JavaScript with Tempo

