Frontend Weekly Digest #81 (29 October — 4 November 2018)

Fresh Frontend Links
4 min readNov 4, 2018


Create your own dysfunctional single-page app in five easy steps
Tags to DOM. HTML resources, and how the tags of HTML are transformed into the building blocks for what will eventually be presented on screen.
The importance of standards in development teams
How I Do Web Development from my iPad Pro Full Time


Implementing a variable font with fallback web fonts
The CSS Working Group At TPAC: What’s New In CSS?
On Switching from HEX & RGB to HSL
How to Organize Your CSS with a Modular Architecture (OOCSS, BEM, SMACSS)
How to write truly terrible CSS
Simple Named Grid Areas
Animated Grid Previews


GraphQL — The good and the bad
Navigating the Spooky World of JavaScript
A personal review of automated testing tools in the JavaScript world
The Complete JavaScript Handbook
Listening to DOM changes by Javascript Web API, Mutation Observer (hint: It’s the best practice)

